Instant Customer Feedback

Instant Customer Feedback

Create survey and get customer reviews instantly with our tool. Retarget your customers for your marketing campaigns according the feedbacks received.


Collecting feedback from your customers is the only way of knowing what they think of your food and service. But having a waiter ask “Is everything OK?” may not always get you the answer. On the other hand, specifying and standardizing your questions would.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Create surveys to keep track of customer satisfaction and quality with Decord Menu’s feedback forms. All the feedback you get is accessible from the control panel anytime anywhere. This allows you to take immediate action towards the negative feedback and improve customer satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Question

  • How i will create my Menu?

    Once you have signed up, You will receive email with login credentials which you entered while signing up. You can easily create your interactive Menu using your Online dashboard by uploading pictures & Menu item names.

  • What are the technical and device requirements to use Decord Menu?

    Decord Menu is a cloud-based platform. It can be used on any device which has access to internet.

  • How many types of QR codes do you offer?

    We offer 2 Types of QR codes for Menu. One for Table orders, other for Takeaway & Delivery orders. Takeaway & Delivery Orders also have Menu Link.

  • Which currencies does Decord Menu support?

    All currencies are supported in Decord Menu System. While signing up, the country you will choose, currency will be shown based upon that country for the Menu & Admin Dashboard.

  • Which languages does Decord Menu support?

    We support English, If You wish to show your menu in your preferred language, please Contact Us.

  • How i will receive orders?

    Once a Table, Takeaway or Delivery order is placed. You will receive prompt notification on your Online Dashboard or POS as per your obtained plan. By just clicking you can see the order details and manage order.

  • How do customers order the food in restaurant?

    If Order Management is not activated customers can only view the Menu on their smartphones. If your plan has orders activated, they can place their orders by scanning the QR Code of the Menu for table orders or by accessing the Menu Link for Takeaway & Delivery orders.